Friday 26 June 2009

Less then 50 days and...

I am in total denial for the moment. 

I knew since the beginning that i would experience several kind of doubts between the day i decided this and the moment i would actually leave. I knew, but...i expected this to come later, much later.
Is this a good idea? Should i really do this? Maybe i should reconsider. A couple of weeks ago i already felt hesitation. I was a bit surprised, for one that it came so soon. But also because i realised all those questions made (and still make) no sense, yet i still had them looped in my head during the biggest part of the day.
I kept it mostly to myself, hiding this from everyone, because i was a bit afraid that they would add up their (bad) advice to my already growing hesitation.
Today however, i don't feel hesitation at all anymore, because i am in a state of denial. I talk about the trip with family, friends and colleagues but at the same time i realise i don't feel this like it is really happening to me. It almost feels like a memory of a tv-show or a book i read last month.
The denial is good in a way. It avoids me to worry about it and to constantly think about this, but on the other hand, it totally removed the pressure i need to prepare!
I always keep saying oh i still have time, its still long but it is really close actually.

According to the way things go, the next stage would be panic! woohoo, that is going to be interesting.

Thursday 4 June 2009

70 days to go

The decision is made, and my resignation has been given. 14 august 2009 will be my last working day, and although i am not sure yet when exactly i will leave, it will only be shortly after that. Leaving? Yes, i am going on a hitchhiking travel through the world with close to no luggage and close to no budget. I have a vague route planned that is going through....oh wait! To know this you will have to follow my adventures of course!
I don't know how long it will take...(somewhere between 3 weeks if i fail and quit early and 3 years if i am very slow and enjoy my time)
Some of you hear about this for the first time... I am sorry i couldn't let you know it in person, but everything started going very fast (faster then i expected), and i simply didn't have the possibility to tell you earlier.
Some will disapprove this, while others are feeling excited about it. You can of course share your opinion, but don't expect me to change my plans.

Well, it started for real this time, turning back will be hard, and frankly, we all know i wont do this before the adventure starts...

ps: (yes yes i will change to a better day or another)