Wednesday 29 July 2009

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!

Oh yes! I am so very late!
A couple of weeks ago, i still felt i was good on schedule.
I made a little list of things i would take with me, and i started cleaning up my apartment. I was close to a quite certain route to take on my trip and i got rid of all my doubts and fears.
And then it happened (just like in a bad novel)

Last week i was as good as unable to do anything and this week i am stuck in Sofia.
This is making my schedule a bit tight. I am quite sure i have still enough time, but i just don't like the pressure. I'd like to have done this in a calm and thoughtful way, but now it just seems like another job that needs to be done in a rush.
It totally spoils the magic, hehe.

And then some other bad news,...maybe. I might have to postpone my trip 2-3 weeks, because there is a big chance i have to work until end of august, or else no time credit for my travel. (i still need to check this thoroughly)
I would have expected something like that to make me angry but it only tends to give me the impression i am just maybe never going on this trip. With time i realise all i am going to regret by going away, all that i could lose and all those i will miss. And most of all, will that silly trip be worth all that?
Why does this seem so hard? Its not like i am going to another planet or leaving for ever. Basically its just like a holiday but just a little longer!

And now...for some...a big spoiler! I was planning to go from Turkeys to India and get in south India before the winter.
If you don't have a very good knowledge of the geography in that region, please take the time to look at the map.
There aren't 35 possibilities unfortunately, its through Iran or through Iran.
We all know what happened in juin in Iran, and the situation is still not looking good. I hope every day that a miracle will bring peace there so that i can pass through unharmed (wow, is that altruistic or what?) but i know fairly well that the situation will not be settled that easy. So...i need another route...and fast. But its hard, because every choice seems like a 2nd choice.

Like always, i think to much...

Enough nagging about all this. As soon as i get in Belgium again i will solve all this issues.


  1. ...and you forgot the concert! prrrr!!!


  2. i will never! i'd even postpone for another couple of days for it!

  3. true, as we discussed, the path from Turkey to India is kind of... a hard place. Let's say the situation in Iran has calmed down, you still have Afghanistan and Pakistan on your way. I would make a *huge* turn around Afghanistan. And Pakistan, yeah well...

    Now imagine you have to take a path north of the caspian sea, you *have* to cross Armenia, I wouldn't go through Georgia but eventually go straight to Azerbaijan. Going along the north shore of the Caspian sea may not be really practicable. Probably there are possibilities to cross the sea and land directly in Turkmenistan. But then all the borders between Turkmenistan, Usbekistan, Kyrgistan are a real pain. and in the end you will face the northern border of Afghanistan again. You'd need to continue westwards to china but will find yourself stuck north of the Mountains and straight into Kashmir region when turning south again. So all in all, despite the great landscapes and culture (or at least that what survived all the turmoils) the area is far from beeing comfortable...

