Monday 5 October 2009

Shortly about Italy

Most of you heard a lot of stories already from Italy one way or the other, so i am no more going to write about it too much, but:
In one word; it was fan-tas-tic!

One day in Rome
A lot of time spend in Puglia
Some trips here and there that where more than worth it
A couple of days in Napoli and Pompei

Thank kind of sums it up.
Of course, there was a lot more to it. But i noticed i always end up talking about food when i talk about my time there.
When you know my love of that subject (food) and how great it was over there (i truly met the Beethoven of the kitchen) it is completely understandable. I ate an incredible dish that will forever stay in my top 5 dishes for sure. (don't laugh now, but i forgot the name...will update this very soon to add it).
I ate the most magnificent ice i could dream of.
When i talked about it, a lot of people responded they ate very good ice too. Or that they know a place with good Italian ice. I regret hearing that, because it makes me understand that i couldn't share my feelings about this specific ice
It was not just good Italian ice. It was simply perfection. It was like the ice you would search your whole life for. Exactly how ice should be. Not a mixture of sweetness and colourful additives, but pure taste with great composture. Aahhh...memories. Pistache is really not my favourite taste but the one i tasted there was impossible to compare with any very very good ice I ever tasted! After the ice melted in my mouth i swallowed and nothing...really nothing left. Not the most subtle sense of thirst or sugar, no sticky feeling, no aftertaste...only pure pistache. Incredible. Impossible.
I just hope it wasn't a dream...

Other things are well worth talking about too. Like incredible places. I often looked at Caribbean dream islands and their clear beaches, but i never would have expected them to be found in Europe. There should be pictures of it on my Picassa by now, but even though i find the pictures amazing, it only is an insult to the beauty of the reality that we found there. The water was pure and the sun was clear. We where close to a field of oregano, so a very nice perfume blew into our nose every time we inhaled. And on top of everything...there where only a handful people. When swimming in the sea, you only where disturbed by the fishes that came close to you out of curiosity.

I could fill pages and pages of this blog only by talking about Puglia. There where good things, many many of them, but less good things too. (I prefer talking about the good ones, but don't get too many illusions...there are quite some problems there too)

I just want to say, that i am very glad i have been there. That is was great being in company of all those magnificent people. That it opened my eyes to see all those different places and that it felt good being embraced by the kind sea and the warm people over there.
Whatever i might see on this trip, whatever i might experience, The region of Puglia will always stand out on its own way between all the other places.

ps: If you ever go to Napoli, don't drive there with a is suicide for sure!

pps: Really, i am not kidding, don't try it!


  1. have you ever heard of "melanzane alla parmigiana"?...!

    i love my beautiful region and i'm really glad you decided to spend some time there.
    ciao minsk, buon cammino.


  2. i was hoping you would help me with the name, thanks!

  3. hi Dominiqie where you in this moment because i still in Bulgaria - Nikolai

  4. hey, es ging schnell: 2 laender in 2 tagen. wie geht's dir?


  5. @Nikolai: I am in Serbia right now. I am planning to spend some extra time here, but my next destination is Bulgaria, so we will meet soon!

    @Ming: Aaaah, ich muss dir soviel erzahlen! Es ist unglaublich. Aber es geht gut...ich war nicht lang in Slovenien, deswegen ist es zwischen Klammern
